Friday, November 03, 2006

Shaving graces

For the last 10 days I have been on a shaving strike until my work permit was presented.

Well, I prematurely shaved. I was under the mistaken impression that the information you get from the government website was accurate. I foolishly believed that after 90 days since my initial application I was able to get an interim work permit.

"We don't do that anymore."

Apparently I either go to Chicago (I have no idea what she meant by that!) or I just wait. I subsequent phone call also did little to improve my mood with a mention of 60 days since new information was recieved, and another mention of "if you don't hear anything in 45 days please call me back".

It's kind of annoying to think it has taken so long I actually need to seriously consider a contingency plan. The 24th of November is the crunch date. If no permit is presented by this time I am booking my flight home. I shall work in Australia till Ms T comes over next April for her cousins wedding and then I shall be looking at getting a job in Canada ( seems to be much easier to move permanently to Canada than get a temporary work permit for the United States) or England.

Anyway, for those of you who are curious as to what I would like with a goatee...this one's for you.

I actually like this next one, but Ms T would not acknowledge my existence until it was removed....


Blogger Miss Ember said...

Oh no! Sounds like a large crisis, with 24-hour porterage, gilt hallways, room service and a neon sign on top which says, "This is a large crisis". I hope the Yanks twiddle with knobs and dispatch carrier pigeons pronto-ish so that a man can bally-well work and earn a crust!

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the beaurocratic bungling, buddy! Then again, if you believe in the wonderful offerings of American Cinema such as 'Independence Day', 'Airforce One', 'Rambo' (the list goes on), Americans seem to solve all of their major problems with less than five seconds to go. Don't give up just yet!
The wooly one!

8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gawddamn, I just need to get Uncle Walt down at the Immigration Orifice on the blower. He went to Columbia with H. Tarkington Pifflediffle III - incumbent Grand Wizard of the Rubber Stamp and he knows DeWitt Grueneberger who plays racquetball with Sheldon Snyderman, Senior Partner at Scabb, Bluster and Wimple - Lawyers. We'll get this sorted out in a jiffy.

Y'all come back now, y'hear?

(devil take every last arse-dragging, slavering, inept, fumbling bumbling bureaucrat! LET THE MAN WORK!)

2:19 PM  

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