Monday, February 05, 2007


It was Superbowl Sunday over the weekend, and if one believes the hype, it is the biggest party of the year (as it would appear that the parties are more important than the game itself).

For those of you who are unaware of what the Superbowl is, I shall explain;

The most macho of American sports is called football. But lets not get confused here. When they call it football they are not referring to Soccer, AFL, ARL or Rugby League. They are instead referring to American Gridiron.

So how does Gridiron work?

Two teams of big, burly men don skintight spandex, shoulder pads and helmets, then prance around on the field trying hug each other to catch each others balls. Every time someone hugs someone else, they all stop play, walk around a little bit then line up in a row facing each other.

One gentleman called a "tight end" bends over and throws a ball between his legs which another team-mate catches and then throws away. Hopefully someone from his same team will be there to catch it so they don't have to get another ball. The person who caught the ball then gets a big hug from the opposite team and the whole process starts all over again.

And just to make sure they make the most of their time on the field, they stop the clock ach time the ball stops during play. You may notice that the game has been going on for 15 minutes, but only 4 minutes have passed on the clock. They really love their game.

So how did the good Doctor and I celebrate the Superbowl?

We went to an Australian Bar and watched the cricket. Huzzah!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh but schmae, I think the reason that the yanks watch this odd sport is for the half time show ... the only place in the world where you can see Janet Jackson's nipple, hear Shania Twain 'mime' and listen to renditions of the 'star spangled banner' that seem to go for hours!

Hope you are over your cold my son.

Uncle Wool.

12:21 AM  
Blogger Sir S said...

the only reason they watch it is the camp boys in spandex.

I remember those yankees on campaign. `twas Hobson`s choice between having `em behind you - and the devil knows what they`d get up to - or in front of you, to rout at the first sign of trouble.

Ah, poor sorry Sgt M truly is risking his honour going deep under cover in such deadly circumstances. We can but prey for him from more civilised (and warmer!) climes!

9:30 PM  

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